=========================================================== EASYNET Custom Control for Visual Basic Version 1.83 Copyright © Patrick Lassalle, 1994, 1996. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED IDDN.FR.001.110020.01.R.P.1994.000.10600 Patrick Lassalle 247, Avenue du Marechal Juin 92100 Boulogne France Tel.: 33 1 46 03 42 20 CIS: 100325,725 INTERNET: 100325.725@compuserve.com January 2, 1996 =========================================================== -------- Contents -------- Part Description ---- ----------- 1 What is EasyNet Custom Control? 2 New version enhancements 3 Notes on running the demo program 4 Registration, Order Form, License -------------------------------------------- Part 1 - What is EasyNet Custom Control? -------------------------------------------- EasyNet is a "vbx" (Visual basic Custom Control) which allows to develop QUICKLY an application that needs to manage a network diagram (workflow, data base diagram, organigrams, communication networks, state transition diagrams, etc...) * Drawing can be made interactively or programmaticaly. * You may move, resize, stretch each item. * You may associate user data to each item * You may navigate in the network diagram. * Distinct pictures, colors, draw styles for each item. * Multi-selection, multi-line wordwrapped text, metafile support, drag & drop, + many other features. * Many properties and events allow you to "customize" your diagramming application. * VB1 compatible. It works with Delphi, SQL Windows, etc... EasyNet programmatic interface contains 92 properties (25 standards) and 17 events (12 standards). All those properties and events are described in EASYNET.HLP file. ******************************************************************* IMPORTANT INFO: An OCX version is available on Compuserve. See file EZNET.ZIP on VBPJ forum. ******************************************************************* -------------------------------------------- Part 2 - New version enhancements -------------------------------------------- Version 1.83 is a maintenance release. NOTES: All registered users of EasyNet are entitled to a free upgrade to version 1.83 and have just to use the new version together with their current license file. ------------------------------------------ Part 3 - Notes on running demo programs ------------------------------------------ This ZIP file contains the following files: DEMO.EXE (EasyNet demo: needs VBRUN300.DLL) DEMO.ZIP (EasyNet demo source files: 22 files) PROJECT1.MAK (Source files of a little editor) FORM1.FRM ABOUT1.FRM MODULE1.BAS EASYNET.VBX EasyNet Custom Control EASYNET.HLP EasyNet help file. README.TXT This text file. Remarks: -------- * EASYNET.VBX and EASYNET.HLP should be copied in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. * If you don't know EasyNet, you should run first DEMO.EXE. * The Editor allows to draw diagrams, save them in files and print them. It shows also how to add a keyboard interface and how to change cursor shape using "PointedArea" property. Note that the saving procedure used in this program is just an example. You should adapt it to your needs or rewrite a better procedure. You may also use the more complete procedures given in the help file. ------------------------------------------ Part 4 - Registration, Order Form, License ------------------------------------------ You may register via Compuserve. For a single user license, the registration number is 2547 and the price is US$ 119. See help file for other registration information like multi-user license, french prices, order form and license agreement.